How to stay active at your desk

Are you spending eight or more hours sitting at your desk? Sitting that long without moving can lead to bad posture, stress, heart problems, digestion issues, and difficulty concentrating. These four items will help you stay active and healthy.

1. Stand-up desk

A stand-up desk can be raised or lowered so the employee can sit or stand, allowing them to stretch without falling behind on their work. A study published by the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine stated that the participants who alternated every 30 minutes between sitting and standing experienced more energy and reduced back pain while remaining productive at their job.

2. Exercise ball

Sitting on an exercise ball at your desk causes you to change positions throughout the day, which benefits your spine. Sitting on an exercise ball improves your circulation and keeps your spine aligned, relieving your back pain. It improves your posture by keeping your core engaged, strengthening those muscles to support your spine. The exercise ball engages the muscles in your deep back, abdominal, and pelvic floor causing your core muscles to become toned.

3. Treadmill desk

The treadmill desk keeps you moving at work without leaving your desk. When walking on the treadmill, the recommended speed is two mph, so you don’t sweat at work. The amount of time that you should be walking on the treadmill is between a half-hour to three hours. The users have reported weight loss, higher energy levels, increased productivity and reduced back pain.

4. Mini exercise bike

The mini exercise bike goes under your desk, allowing you to stay at your desk longer without getting tired or hurting your back because you are expending some energy. Using the mini exercise bike will make you more productive because it produces endorphins which improve your mood, and allows you to focus better. This equipment can be used in many places, including your office desk, living room couch, etc. The mini exercise bike only weighs about 20lbs and is 10 inches tall. The assembly and disassembly only take a few minutes.

**Please keep in mind that Bailey is not an expert, and these are

suggestions based on research. Please take these suggestions with a

grain of salt and at your own discretion.**

-By Bailey Bennett, Dreissig Apparel Inc. Fashion Merchandising Intern









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